Show HN: Poplar – Text, media, and live chat in a dynamic grid

11 points by authset 14 days ago

Hi HN, Poplar is a social space inside of a dynamic grid on your phone. Users can post and share images, video, text posts, and even live chats.

Poplar’s interactive nature makes it a sort of “digital fidget toy”. You’re able to explore instantly loading content without ever leaving the grid and you can view a denser array of content per scroll.

In deciding to build Poplar as a progressive web app (PWA), the goal was to create a unique experience as could only be achieved on the web without any design constraints.

Best of all, you don’t need to download an app to try it. Although, if you prefer the feel of a native app, Poplar can be installed as any other PWA providing a full screen experience.

Ultimately, Poplar is meant to be fun and capture the vibe of the nascent internet while combining it with the capabilities of modern browsers and devices.